Welcome 187 new young cyclists that will lead the way to a greener future for us all!
Bikes are synonymous with joy, freedom, and childhood nostalgia. Many families, however, find it difficult to afford these symbols of joy for their young ones.
Our Holiday Kids’ Bike Giveaway is an annual event that aims to deliver bikes to children who would not otherwise have them. During our most recent edition in 2023 we gave away 187 bicycles: 15 through Winn Elementary; 20 through Friends of Children; 3 through Oak Hill Elementary; 6 through Overton Elementary; 3 through Pillow Elementary; and 140 through Mas Cultura at Montopolis Recreation & Community Center.
Big kudos to all of Yellow Bike’s volunteers and staff that helped make this wonderful event happen! Thank y’all!
Bikes have the right to children!