Get Involved

Become A yellow bike volunteer!

At Yellow Bike Project, we believe in the power of community and sustainability. We offer two distinct volunteering opportunities to individuals and corporations, providing a chance to make a meaningful impact while fostering a greener, healthier, and more accessible city.

Individual Volunteering Opportunities

From becoming a Workshop Coordinator to event tabling, there are numerous ways to contribute to Yellow Bike both inside and outside the shop!

Dive into the world of bicycle refurbishment and repair, transforming lives one bike at a time. Whether you’re a seasoned mechanic or just passionate about bikes, there’s a place for you here. For these and other volunteering opportunities, fill out our Volunteer form, or call 512-524-5299.

We value diversity and encourage people from all backgrounds to join our team!

Frequently Asked Questions:

How can I come and volunteer at Yellow Bike?

Volunteers wanting to refurbish bikes for our donation stream can attend either Volunteer, Open, or Women/Trans/Femme (if applicable) Workshops. For other volunteer, options fill out our Volunteer form, or call 512-524-5299. We will get in touch with you soon with the matching volunteer opportunities.

Do I have to know anything about bikes to volunteer?

No. Most of our volunteers have little or no experience wrenching when they first arrive and there are lots of other ways to lend a hand. Fill out our Volunteer form for other volunteer opportunities.

I would like to volunteer to help run one of your Community Workshops. How do I start?

Fill out our Volunteer form and express interest in becoming a Workshop Coordinator and we will take it from there.

Can I do the court-ordered Community Service Restitution (CSR) hours at Yellow Bike?

Community Service Restitution (CSR) – Court-ordered CSR hours can be fulfilled at Yellow Bike, as well as community service hours required by educational institutions. Come by during any Community or Volunteer Shop, and we’ll put you to work. CSR tasks usually include cleaning, groundskeeping, and sorting parts, but it’s not unusual for folks doing CSR to end up doing some wrenching, too. All in all, Yellow Bike is a pretty fun and educational place to fulfill your obligations. Don’t forget your paperwork! While we keep track of all users’ hours on our database, your sign-in on the shop computer is purely for our own records. Making sure your hours are signed off by a coordinator each time you visit is your responsibility. Hours volunteered towards court-ordered community service don’t count towards Earn-a-Bike or apprenticeship.

Corporate Volunteering Opportunities

Empower your organization with purpose through Yellow Bike’s Corporate Volunteering Program. In this immersive experience, your team can actively engage in teamwork, sustainability, and community building.

Our tailored sessions, ranging from 2.5 to 5 hours, accommodate groups of 5 to 12 people.

A suggested minimum donation per hour per person is $25. Your contribution directly fuels our mission.

Let your team make a difference and create lasting memories while fostering a greener, more accessible city.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How can my organization get involved in the Corporate Volunteering Program?

To participate in our Corporate Volunteering Program, simply reach out to us at We’ll guide you through the process and help customize a session for your team.

Is there a minimum or maximum number of participants for corporate volunteering sessions?

We accommodate groups ranging from a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 12 participants per session. Larger groups can be accommodated with advance notice.

What happens if our team doesn’t have experience with bike repair?

No worries! Our experienced coordinators will provide step-by-step guidance and demonstrations, ensuring everyone can contribute meaningfully, regardless of prior experience.

Can we bring our own tools and equipment?

While we appreciate the gesture, we provide all the necessary tools and equipment for the volunteering sessions to maintain consistency and safety standards.

How does the suggested donation work, and where does the money go?

The suggested donation of $25 per hour per person supports our nonprofit mission, helping us continue our community outreach efforts and provide bicycles to those in need. Donations can be made on the day of the volunteering session or in advance through our website. Longer sessions include lunch, while shorter sessions include snacks and coffee.