Spreading the joy of a bicycle gift during the holiday season while empowering children through cycling and promoting active healthy lifestyles and environmentally responsible means of transportation.

There are few things more rewarding than seeing a child’s smile as they select their new bike. Many parents wished for bikes for their children but wondered how their wish could be granted.
Holiday Kids’ Bike Giveaway is an annual event that aims to deliver bikes to children who would not otherwise have them. During our most recent edition in 2022, seventy-seven families answered our offer and twelve more families were identified by schools and other community partners. Through the work of volunteers, staff, and sponsors, Yellow Bike was fortunate to deliver bikes to 111 children.
We would like to express our gratitude to: Trek Bicycles of Austin for bikes and time from their mechanics to refurbish them; Guardian Bicycles for bikes; the Texas Auto Center for financial sponsorship and last, but not least – big kudos to all volunteers and Yellow Bike’s staff that helped make this wonderful event happen! Thank y’all!
Bikes have the right to children!