Our Team


Diana Zake

Board President

My Bike is…

… fun!

Nathan Wilkes


My Bike is…

Simplicity in a complex world and how I transport lots of things…, including my kids.

Mateo Scoggins

Staff committee co-chair

My Bike is…

A tool, a companion, an escape, a gypsy, a comfort, and a community.

Robert Wong

Committees Co-chair & Workshop Host

My Bike is…

 My endorphin-stimulating machine.

Claudia Friess

Secretary & Workshop Host

My Bike is…

More sustainable than a Tesla. It gets 50 miles per bowl of spaghetti.

Nick HilL


My Bike is…

A ticket to adventure.

Dianne Wanyama

Communications & Partnerships Co-Chair

My Bike is…

A wheeled golden wanderer that gives me wings.

James Robertson

board member

My Bike is…

A source of joy and exhilaration, humility and mobility, connection and exploration.


Pete Wall

Staff Manager & Bike Mechanic

My Bike is…

How I get there.

Ben Lynch

Bike Mechanic & Online Sales

My Bike was…

Abandoned by someone else, now it shreds.

Jacob Charron

Bike Mechanic & Online Sales

My Bike is…

Older than I am and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Nikki Meyer

Bike Mechanic

My Bike is…

My ride or die. She’s a little surly, but always ready to roll!

Steve Moore

Bike Mechanic

My Bike is…

My peace. This is my “me time” and my meditation time and the time that I can be free of all things.

Marcelina Gray

 Communications & Outreach Director

My Bike is…

Love, support, and independence. My bike is my community.


Pavielle Babai-Pirouz


My Bike is…

A pedicab covered in lights granting me the freedom to dance and fall in love with my work.

Niina Nibling

GranT Advisor

My Bike is…

Like an inspiring personal trainer that gives me physical and emotional energy!

Cody Cook

Workshop Host

My Bike is…

And always will be a tool of freedom, transformation, and joy.

Susan Kraemer

Workshop Host

My Bike is…

A vehicle that transports me and my stuff, exercises my body and stills my mind.


Workshop Host

My Bike is…


Lindsay Henderson

Social Media Expert

My Bike is…

A great low-impact way to exercise, which makes my knees hap.